World Of Christmas
Known for its richness and style Polish carols are appreciated worldwide. For the people of Poland carol singing is a part and parcel of their Christmas celebration.

Polish Christmas Carols

‘We wish you a merry Christmas…' How can you forget this 16-century Christmas carol? These words of Christmas carols are so instrumental and conducive that you forget everything to get into the charm of that festive mood. It is the simple lyrics and the vibrant melody that make it more of an entertaining item. For the people of Poland Christmas carols are more than mere songs as it is a part and parcel of their custom. Singing carols comes with the Polish tradition. Polish are proud enough to say that they have richest of all Christmas carols in whole of Europe. There was a time when Polish Christmas Carols weren't translated into English and literally were unknown to the world outside. It was during the Second World War that Captain Jan Sliwinski collected a number of Polish Christmas carols and published it in aid of the Polish Red Cross. Even the Oxford Book of Carols was unaware of these stupendous collections of Polish Christmas carols. Folk music is an important aspect of Polish carols. They are a collage of religion, folklore, and legend as well. Known for their great tradition and culture you can never ignore Polish. You can find three well-known Polish carols with its English translation.

Christmas Carols of Poland

1. Bóg sie Rodzi, Moc Truchleje

Bóg sie rodzi, moc truchleje,
Pan niebiosów, obnazony,
Ogien krzepnie, blask ciemnieje,
Ma granice Nieskonczony.
Wzgardzony, okryty chwala,
Smiertelny Król nad wiekami !

A Slowo Cialem sie stalo,
I mieszkalo miedzy nami.

Cóz masz niebo,
nad ziemiany ?
Bóg porzucil
szczescie swoje.
Wszedl miedzy lud ukochany,
Dzielac z nim trudy i znoje.
Niemalo cierpial, niemalo,
Zesmy byli winni sami.

W nedznej szopie urodzony,
Zlób Mu za kolebke dano !
Cóz jest, czym byl otoczony,
Bydlo, pasterze i siano.
Ubodzy, was to spotkalo,
Witac Go przed bogaczami !

Podnies reke, Boze
Blogoslaw Ojczyzne mila.
W dobrych radach, w dobrym bycie,
Wspieraj jej sile swa sila.
Dom nasz i majetnosc cala
I wszystkie wioski z miastami.

English Translation: -

When God Is Born, No Power Prevails
When God is born, no power prevails,
Our Lord in nakedness enwound.
All fire congeals, all luster pales,
Contained is He that knows no bound.
Despised, in glory comes untold,
A mortal king for aye to reign.
The Word of God in flesh behold,
Now born to share our life mundane.

What have ye Heavens o'er the earth,
That God forsook His sweet delight,
And wished to take a human birth,
To share our every toil and plight?
And He did suffer unconsoled,
And we were guilty of His pain.
The Word of God in flesh behold,
Now born to share our life mundane.

A meager shed for Him they found,
And in a manger there He lay.
What was He, and what was there 'round?
Poor shepherds, cattle, sheep and hay.
The poor had hailed Him, we are told,
Before the rich would entertain.
The Word of God in flesh behold,
Now born to share our life mundane.

'Twas then, they say, appeared the kings,
And jostled through the gathering dense.
For Him they brought their offerings:
The myrrh, and gold, and frankincense.
The frankincense, and myrrh, and gold
With rustic gifts He did retain.
The Word of God in flesh behold,
Now born to share our life mundane.

Raise now Thy hand, oh Child divine,
And bless our homeland from the Height.
By good advice and times benign,
Support her strength with Thine own might:
The hamlets, cities and the wold,
Our houses, and our every gain.
The Word of God in flesh behold,
Now born to share our life mundane.

2. Przybiezeli do Betlejem

Przybiezeli do Betlejem pasterze,
Graja skocznie dzieciateczku n lirze.

Witaja dzieciatko, male pacholatko,
Pasterze, pasterze.

Dzieciatko sie do pastuszkow usmiecha
Jako Jesus czystem sercem oddycha,
Chwala na wysokosci,
Chwala no wysokosci,
A poloj na ziemi.

English Translation: -
Shepherds Came To Bethlehem

Shepherds came to Bethlehem that holy day,
For the baby Jesus on the lyre did play.
How great their thankfulness and joy
To see the Virgin's lovely Boy!
Heavn'ly joy!

And the Baby Jesus smiled upon them all,
Happy with the notes that on His ears did fall.
Glory to God in highest Heaven,
Peace on earth, good will to men!
Peace from Heaven.

3. Wsrod Nocnej Ciszy

Wsrod nocnej ciszy, Glos sie rozchodzi:
"Wstancie pasterze, Bog sie wam rodzi.
Czem predzej sie wybierajcie,
Do Betlejem pospieczajcie, Przywitac Pana."

Pozli, znalezli, Dzieciatko w zlobie, Wszyslkiemi znaki, Danemi sobie.
Jako Bogu czesc mu dali,
A witajac zawolali, z wielkiej radosci.

English Translation: -

In Midnight's Silence
1. In midnight's silence, Heav'nly voices cried:
"Rise up, O shepherds, Christ is born tonight!
Haste at once to Bethle'm's stable,
Where is lying in a manger, Heaven's dearest Son!"

2. Shepherds came running, From the fields afar,
To Jesus' cradle, Following the star.
Kneeling there in adoration, They cried out in exultation:
"Praise to God on high, Praise to God