Christmas traditions, customs
and rituals are important part of Christmas celebrations and are
greatly influenced by the culture of the region.
Christmas traditions and customs have become increasingly
commercialized, yet, the old-world rituals make Christmas a new alacrity
every year and infuse true enthusiasm in the Christmas celebrations. The
traditions that are followed mainly focus on the birth of Christ and the
joy of the precious moment. The vast differences are mostly due to other
regional influences and people may celebrate Christmas by reading Bible
and scriptures or make it more musical or perform living nativity, but
the main theme is to involve the children and let them know about why
Christmas is celebrated and the preaching of Christ. Keeping up the
custom of giving presents to this day commemorates the three Wise Men
who gave precious gifts to Jesus.
Most of the Christmas carols sing about the Christ's birth and the
nativity scenes and appearance of angel to the shepherds, the Wise Men
and animals surrounding the baby Jesus. Cultural and historical
influences have shaped Christian traditions, rituals and customs too. It
is said that December 25th was chosen to celebrate the birth of Christ
to lead people away from the Roam festival Saturnalia that was
celebrated in December and was a time of feasting and parties, which are
still a part of Christmas celebrations. The Yule festival of

characterized by dancing around huge bonfires yelling for the winter to
end has been replaced by burning of a Yule log in Christmas. The
Christmas tree originated in Germany, reached other lands along with
Germans while Saint Nicholas of the present-day Turkey has also become
an important part of Christmas festivals with time.